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AT-Benagaon(Dayavihar), P.O-Gadasahi,P.S-Kanas, Dist-Puri, Odisha-752017
With a view to provide Industrial and Vocational Training for Skill up gradation to unemployed youths (age group 14-40 years) as approved by National Council for Vocational Training, New Delhi, we have been running an industrial training center since 1999. Intake Capacity, Admission and Training: There are 8 trades like Fitter, Plumber, Driver & Mechanic, Sewing Technology (Tailoring), Dairying, Flori-culture & Landscaping, Horticulture, Old age Care. Each trade comprises of 20 seats. The center provides hostel and workshop facilities for the students
NSP was enlisted in the network of NGOs for setting up JSS and then it was selected as the mother NGO for running Jan Sikhyan Sansthan (JSS) as an institution has been implemented & supported by Directorate of JSS, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India. The overall Goal is to uplift the economic prosperity of rural youth of India. The objectives are: To improve the occupational skills and technical knowledge of the non/neo literates and persons having rudimentary level of education up to 8th standard and other school dropouts beyond 8th standard. To identify and promote traditional skills through skilling/upskilling & increase productive ability and livelihood opportunities To create a pool of master trainers working across the department/agencies To collaborate and coordinate with other departments/agencies working in similar field To widen the range of knowledge and understanding of social, economic and political systems and create awareness about the environment and promote national values and to align with national programmes To promote self-employment and facilitate to get financial support including loans/ for the target groups through linkage with credit and consortium membership.