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AT-Benagaon(Dayavihar), P.O-Gadasahi,P.S-Kanas, Dist-Puri, Odisha-752017
NThis school is operational since 1992 by NSP and now it functions as a specialized residential school for children with disabilities (Hearing Impairment and Visual Impairment) aged between 6-18 years. This activity is supported by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India. The school has been constructed over 55,779 sq. ft. built-up area. The school comprises of 13 classrooms, dedicated rooms for speech therapy, group hearing operations, musical & recreational events, Braille, and a library. The school also boasts of additional amenities such as a playground, a separate 250-seater hostel for boys and girls, and separate kitchen and lavatory facilities. The school has deployed a well-trained team of professionals.
NSP operates a school for children with intellectual disabilities on its main campus since 1992. The school has experienced staff, necessary infrastructure, assets, and facilities. It receives financial support from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, GoI, under the DDRS scheme, aimed at improving the lives of intellectually disabled students and integrating them into regular learning institutions and society. The program objectives include a. Undertake proper assessment / diagnosis of each child b. Identify psychological & therapy need of the child c. Assess the capacity of each child and there after place them in grouping / grades d. To manage behavioral problems and to impart special skills, self-help skills and cater to the therapy needs of children with ID e. To give special inputs for the improvement of the communication skills and manage the educational / vocational needs.
The therapy-cum-service center was established in the year 2018 supported by Department of SSEPD, Govt. of Odisha. Such facility of NSP has 30 intake capacity (both residential and nonresidential beneficiaries) is being managed by technical & experienced human resources. The service forms an important nucleons of the rehabilitation process covering Children/Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mental Illness). These Therapeutic processes also include-15 non-residential beneficiaries and another 50 beneficiaries were extended programme services keeping in view the local demand
Residential Accommodation facilities with routinely care, food & nutrition, clothing, etc. Personal Care with the help of specialized House mothers. Therapeutic services to make beneficiaries functionally independent of daily activities like daily living, feeding, toileting, bathing, grooming and mobility. Organization of recreational activities like music and dance, recitation, outdoor and indoor games, Library books, Magazines and TV. Pre-Vocational & Vocational Activities: The beneficiaries are taught for making paper bags, candle and coir products etc.
The District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (DDRC) aims at providing Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services to persons with disabilities. The broad range of activities include early identification and intervention, awareness generation, providing therapeutic services, facilitation in issuing disability certificate and UDID Cards, scholarship to students with disabilities including skill development etc. Objectives: Survey & identification of persons with disabilities through camp approach, facilitation of disability certificate, bus passes and other concessions / families for persons with disabilities, assisting in the issue of Unique Disability Identity Card (UDID) to Divyangjan in the District. Early intervention and facilitating Insurance Schemes at NT/ Govt. of India and networking with the organization working for empowerment of persons with disabilities. Assessment of need of assistive devices, provision / fitment of assistive devices, follow-up / repair assisting ADIP/ALMICO Camps for distribution of Aids & appliances. Therapeutic services (e.g. physiotherapy, OT, ST and referral arrangements of surgical correction, Arrangement of loan for self-employment through banks / financial institutions. Counseling of family members, promotion of barrier free environment and to play an active role in the Assessable India Campaign. To provide supportive / complimentary services to promote education, assisting students availing scholarships, vocational / skill training to disables. The District Management Team for opening of DDRC at Puri District already recommended Nilachal Seva Pratisthan as the implementing Agency vide their resolution dated 06-12-2018 and sent the proposal to Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment for sanction of DDRC vide letter No.2843, dt.31.12.2018 and requested to consider the proposal & sanction it as it is the need of the district. The Govt. of Odisha (SSEPD) also recommended the proposal vide their letter No.8119/SSEPD-DA-6-MISC0262/2018/SSEPD, Dt.24/09/2019 to Min. of S.J& E, Govt. of India.
To assist the needy disabled persons by providing durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured, modern, standard aids and appliances NSP is a regular implementer of ADIP Scheme support of M.S.J &E, Govt. of India, New Delhi. During 2022-23, the organization has facilitated to the govt. for distribution of aids/appliances to the PWDs under the scheme. Identification and awareness camps have been conducted by the organization during the reporting year. This year the organization has identified 310 PWDs for distribution of aids/appliances.
Objectives: The project enables all students completing eight years of elementary schooling an opportunity to complete four years of secondary schooling (Class IX to XII) in an inclusive and enabling environment. This unit Provides educational opportunities and facilities to students with disabilities in the general education system at the secondary level (classes IX to XII) Under this central sector scheme, initiated the following components- (a)Identification and assessment of children with disabilities, (b) Provision of aids and appliances, (c) Access to learning material, (d) Transport facilities, (e) Hostel facilities, scholarships, books, uniform, (f) Teachers, (g) Training to general teachers, (h) Stipend to girl students, (i) use of ICT, (j) Development of teaching learning materials.
NSP has not only been registered with National Trust, Govt. of India, but also in partnering with this National Trust, it has set up “Samarth-cum-Gharaunda Centre” in the year 2018 with an intake capacity for 30 persons which aims at providing respite and residential care to specified categories of PWD such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual Disabilities and Multiple Disabilities, etc. The Gharaunda centre is linked with the Samarth scheme has been providing lifelong shelter and care of adult PWD as covered under the National Trust. The objective is to (a) provide assured Care, (b) assist living with self-sufficient and dignity (c) provide care and services on a sustainable basis. The Samarth centre functions as group home facility for adult PwD maintaining a ratio of 1:1 both for LIG and above LIG PwD. This is managed by the project staffs such as Special Educators, Vocational Trainers, Physiotherapist/ Occupational Therapist, Caregivers, Ayas and Cook. Additionally, basic medical care is provided to the inmates by specialized Doctors. The infrastructure includes Assessment Room (with therapeutic aids and appliances), one vocational room, one recreation room, hygienic lodging, kitchen, office space including computer system and other facilities.
Begging is a pressing social problem that requires immediate attention and intervention, especially as the number of individuals engaged in begging, including vulnerable groups such as children, women, older persons, and drug addicts, continues to rise. NSP has taken significant steps by setting up a shelter home in 2019 towards addressing this problem by providing protection, care and rehabilitation services to those involved in begging. Under this program NSP provides food, clothing, healthcare, recreation, enabling them to lead a life with dignity. Through the active cooperation of the police network, the shelter home has been able to rehabilitate the recued ones with their families/places of origin. To continue its efforts towards a beggar-free society, NSP is going to open and run a bigger Shelter Home at NSP HQs campus with an intake capacity of 100 seats for comprehensive rehabilitation. This Shelter Home will be providing a safe and supportive environment for those in need. NSP remains committed to its mission of providing protection and care to vulnerable people of our society, and this new approach is a testament & dedicated towards its Goal and Objectives.